As long as the gold slime doesn’t get too close to you, it should remain idle and won’t despawn. Using your vac-gun, suck the gold slime into the vac current, and quickly swing it towards your ranch. The screenshot shown is the closest area to your ranch that a gold slime will spawn. To get a Gold Slime into your ranch, you should get a gold slime that is near your ranch.

(This may be patched in the future) The Guide Itself Useful tip: if a gold slime starts fleeing from you, quickly save/quit and reload the game, and it’ll “forget” it was fleeing and return to its standard behavior. Remember that your first attempts may fail, but there’s always a way to get a Gold Slime into your ranch, and be able to get close to it without scaring it! They say it is impossible to catch or ranch a Gold Slime. The Hunter Has Become… The Other Thing.Ever wonder how it’s possible to keep a Gold Slime in your ranch without it despawning and still be able to get plorts from it? It’s a process.